Ci 4312: digital literacy

3 min readApr 30, 2021

The internet is a “tsunami of hogwash” as Rheingold quoted in his article, and to an extent, I have to agree. On the internet, there is a plethora of information that can be spread about the most random things, such as what the latest diet fads are, how to get back an ex-boyfriend, Wikipedia. However, how does one discern what information is valid, and what isn’t trustworthy? Rheingold (2012) discusses detecting false information on the internet. I found this section to be particularly relevant to my field of study since a majority of my work over the last four years has been research papers and articles. Instructors rely on students to find their own sources and determine which articles are servient to the highest standard of credibility. Through my years, I have learned from my professors on what to look out for. Words such as peer-reviewed, citations, and sample size have become rutted in my brain. One doesn’t have to be a research student to have this skill — learning how to identify questionable information should be an asset to all. This is applicable to anything, such as watching the news, learning information from friends, relying education via social media.

Something that I enjoyed about this course was the collaborative aspect. I really enjoyed reading and listening to other students’ perspectives. Many of the students brought fresh ideas to the discussions and allowed me to deeply think about each segment. A section I learned a lot from was the virtual reality unit. Before this class, I believed that VR was for video games, however I learned that it goes a lot deeper than that. VR has been used for therapy and to help children with Autism accustom to everyday life. They have also helped senior citizens with their mental wellness.

One way I plan to continue building and refining my digital literacy is by staying up to date with technology and making sure that I stay educated on the safe ways to use the internet. There are so many dangers to the internet and in the past few weeks, I think I have improved the way that I view the internet. I have learned not to be careless with what I post and what I share with people I meet online. I also want to be more active with talking about social issues and use my platform for something other than posting pictures of what I had for lunch. Although I have in the past, I am inconsistent with it. I am ready to be a stronger proponent for creating equality for all.

This class has truly helped me learn more about the internet, and I am excited to not only further my digital capacity but also help others expand their knowledge.




just a suburban girl learning more about the vast world we call the internet